Model AD-8

AD-8 Analog Data Converter
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8-Channel Analog Data Converter
The Plus Sine software mentioned below has been discontinued by publisher.
The AD-8 Data Converter module is a data collection accessory for the RFC-1 Remote Facilities Controller. Once installed on an RP-8 Relay Panel, the module samples data from the 8 telemetry inputs and sends that data to an external host computer running Plus Sine software by IntrinsicNet. The AD-8 inserts into the system transparently–the RFC-1 system does not know that the AD-8 is present.
The AD-8 module installs on top of the RP-8 Relay Panel much like the SP-8 Surge Protector. In fact, we strongly recommend installing an SP-8 Surge Protector with the AD-8 to provide surge protection for both the AD-8 module and the underlying RP-8 Relay Panel. Analog telemetry inputs are sampled by the AD-8 and passed, uninterrupted, to the telemetry inputs of the RP-8.
The AD-8 module and the host computer communicate over an RS-232 serial data link. The host computer must be running Windows XP or newer and the Plus Sine host software. An optional USB to RS-232 adapter is available for systems that do not have an unused serial (COM) port.