Model CTI-2

CTI-2 Computer Temperature Interface
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Computer Temperature Interface
The Sine Systems model CTI-2 Computer Temperature Interface enables a computer to measure air temperature. Communications are through RS-232 serial data with a very simple command structure.
- Usable temperature range is -50 to +199°F (-10 to +92°C)
- Fahrenheit or Celsius output
- Typical accuracy of ±1°
- Adjustable sensor calibration
- Adjustable baud rate (300 to 9600)
A common application of the CTI-2 is to provide outside air temperature to a computer that operates a radio station audio automation system. It only takes a few lines of code to retrieve the temperature reading from the CTI-2. (This feature must be made available by the manufacturer of the automation system.)
The CTI-2 control module may be located in any convenient indoor location. It is usually most practical to place it somewhere near the computer. It is small, quiet and cool enough that it needs no special mounting considerations. All connections to the CTI-2 are made via screw-terminal connections.
The temperature sensor may be located up to 200 feet (or more, depending on conditions) from the control module. The sensor is factory calibrated to ±2° and can be adjusted when installed.
The air temperature sensor for the CTI-2 consists of a small PC board with three screw terminals. This sensor is capable of giving very accurate temperature readings.
To achieve outdoor air temperature readings that correlate to those reported by the nearest NOAA weather station, the sensor must be mounted in a "standard enclosure". Plans for such an enclosure are provided in the CTI-2 documentation.