Technical Support
Program a Telephone Number
The RFC-1 stores six telephone numbers to call when an alarm occurs.
The procedure on this page works for all six telephone numbers but if you are programming one of the first three telephone numbers, you can also use the basic programming commands 86, 87 and 88.
There are fourteen memory locations available for each telephone number.
- The first twelve memory locations store the digits of the phone number
- The thirteenth memory location stores the call mode (voice, data or pager)
- The fourteenth memory location stores the maximum number of call attempts
Call Attempts
Each telephone number can be dialed up to four times during an alarm. The alarm clears when someone interacts with the system--presses any key. This usually happens within the first couple of calls so the maximum number of calls is rarely made. The factory setting is 3 attempts.
Call Mode
Most alarm calls are made in voice mode. This is the default setting. When dialing a pager this setting adjusts the pager ID digit (0-9) that is sent to the pager display. Data paging is not currently supported in the RFC-1/B.
Call Order
The default dialing procedure is to call all the available numbers in rotation in order: A, B, C, D, E, F. If the rotation completes, it starts over at A. The rotation stops at the first blank location so numbers should be used in order.
Use the selections below to program a telephone number. All items must be completed.
The values and adresses will be calculated and displayed. Click the "Show Instructions" button to display step-by-step programming instructions.