Technical Support

RFC-1/B Remote Facilities Controller (bottom) and RP-8 Relay Panel
Model RFC-1/B
The first item is recommended. It applies to the majority of RFC-1/B systems.
- Installation and Operation model RFC-1/B firmware versions 4.x and 5.x
- Operation manual model RFC-1/B firmware version 5.x (software book)
- Operation manual model RFC-1/B firmware version 4.x (software book)
- Operation manual model RFC-1/B firmware version 3.x (software book)
- Operation manual model RFC-1/B firmware version 2.x (software book)
- Installation manual model RFC-1/B hardware version 3.x (hardware book)
- Installation manual model RFC-1/B hardware version 2.x (hardware book)
- Programming examples model RFC-1/B firmware versions 4.x and 5.x
- Programming Address Table model RFC-1/B (Excel spreadsheet)
- Word Table model RFC-1/B firmware version 5
- Site identification phrase programming
- Telemetry channel programming
- Timed event programming
- Telemetry alarm programming
- Telemetry alarm block programming
- Telephone number programming
- Indirect power reading programming
- Ring sensitivity adjustment
- Tone dialing adjustment
- Main security code adjustment
- Auto-scan stop channel adjustment
- Hardware revision adjustment
Frequently Asked Questions
- Cellular/wireless Link: Telephone line emulation (sites without phone line)
- Cellular/wireless Link: System adjustments
- Cellular/wireless Link: Issues and solutions
- Telephone Issue: RFC-1/B does not answer line
- Telephone Issue: RFC-1/B does not place alarm calls
- Telephone Issue: RFC-1/B seizes phone line
- Control Relays: Lower/Off contacts activate unexpectedly
- Control Relays: RFC-1/B latching contacts
- System Setup: Detecting AC power failure
- System Setup: Determining appropriate alarm limits
- System Setup: Programming an alarm on a status input
- System Setup: Using the advanced programming mode
- System Setup: Daylight saving time
- General Operation: Recovering lost security codes
- General Operation: Identify RFC-1/B software/hardware version
- General Operation: Automatic data logging
Engineering Bulletins
- Improving Touch Tone reception (DTMF detection)
- Power transformer using multiple RP-8s
- Exchanging the 68HC11 Microcontroller
Additional Circuits
- DC amplifier for low voltage telemetry inputs
- Audio detection circuit for use as a telemetry input
- Re-triggerable status indicator for a telemetry input